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Born in 1985.

  • since 2023 -  Head of the Painting Studio, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań, Poland

  • 2017 - PhD (Faculty of Sculpture and Space Activities), University of the Arts in Poznań, Poland

  • 2013 - 2023 - Assistant at the Painting Studio, University of the Arts, Poznań, Poland

  • 2010 - 2013 - Faculty of Painting, University of the Arts, Poznań, Poland

  • 2005 - 2010 - Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Study, Academy of Fine Arts, Poznań, Poland


  • Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles / Volume 9: Sacred and Ceremonial (article




  • 2023 - Sten Malmquist Grant 2023, Tomelilla, Sweden (3.04-14.05.2023)

  • 2023 - Pragovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic (5-15.01.2023)

  • 2022 - Cortex Frontal, Arraiolos, Portugal (17-23.10)

  • 2022 - Cortex Frontal, Arraiolos, Portugal (3-30.04 )

  • 2021 - Contemporary Art Center Graça Morais, Bragança, Portugal (25.06 - 10.07)

  • 2020 - CONTEXTILE 2020, 5th edition of Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, "Places of Memory", Guimaraes, Portugal (august- september)

  • 2019 - University of Ostrava, Erasmus Plus, Czech Republic (march)

  • 2018 - V International Textile and Fiber Art Symposium, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia (6-16.11)

  • 2018 - International Artistic Meeting "Between nature and culture", Ustka, Poland (16-22.04)

  • 2012 - The 10th International plein-air of Textile Art, "Bosko Petrovic" Atelier 61, Serbia



  • "∞", Swatch Art Peace Hotel Artist Residency, Shanghai, China (8-15.08.2024)

  • Magdalena Kleszyńska, "Tracks of memories", (open studio), Ferme-Asile Centre Artistique Et Culturel, Sion, Switzerland (23.02.2024)


  • Bulgarian Triennial of Mini Textile, Sofia Press Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria (20.11-20.12.2023)

  • "Conversations 2", MBWA Gallery, MBWA w Ratuszu Gallery, Leszno, Poland (13.10-18.11.2023)

  • "WIRELESS. TEXTILE ART past and present", Nowa Scena Gallery, Poznań, Poland (30.09-15.10.2023)

  • Magdalena Kleszyńska, "Maps of Memories", Station, Tomelilla Municipality, Sweden (1-29.07.2023)

  • 7th International Riga Textile and Fibre Art Triennial Tradition and Innovation, "QUO VADIS?", Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Art Museum “Riga Bourse”, Riga, Latvia (15.06-17.09.2023)

  • Magdalena Kleszyńska, "Maps of Memories", Pragovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic (2-30.03.2023)

  • WIRELESS, Plato Gallery, Évora, and Cortex Frontal, Arraiolos, Portugal (28.04-12.05.2023)

  • MINI TEXTILE ART EXHIBITION ”VOYAGE” 2023, Craft Museum of Finland, Jyväskylä Finland (9.09–3.12.2023)


  • The 14th International Textile and Fiber Art Biennial “Scythia”, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine (1.06)

  • International Textile Art Biennial 2022, Gemeenschapscentrum Den Breughel / Cultural Community Center, Haacht, Belgium (22-30.10)

  • 22th International minitextile exhibition 'BUBBLE', Galéria Umelka, Bratislava, Slovakia (21.11-18.12.2022)

  • 12. Baltic Mini Textile Gdynia 2022, Muzeum Miasta Gdyni, Poland (9.12.2022-4.06.2023)


  • "Tramanda", Young Fiber Contest 5, Chieri, Italy (15.10.2021-15.01.2022)

  • Magdalena Kleszyńska, BEYOND, BETWEEN, HERE AND THERE, Centro de Arte Contemporânea Graça Morais, Braganca, Portugal (10.07-14.11)

  • Valcellina Award 11th edition - "We(h)ave", Museum dell'Arte Fabbrile e delle Coltellerie, Maniago, Italy (26.06.2021)

  • 10th International Mini Textile Art Exhibition "Scythia", Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine (1-15.06)

  • "Ties, similarities and identities", Duża Scena UAP Gallery, Poznań, Poland (1.04-16.05)

  • OBRAZ - TEXT, Galeria Puda v Těšíně, Czech Republic (26.11-18.12.2021)


  • CONTEXTILE 2020, 5th edition of Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, "Places of Memory" - Artistic Residencies, Convento de Santo António dos Capuchos, Guimaraes, Portugal (5.09-25.10)

  • Ziemia (P)oddana, Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź, Poland (17.10 )

  • 2-nd International Triennial of mini-textile “Treasure Island. City", St. Petersburg, Russia (6.03-5.04)

  • The 11th International Biennial of Textile Miniatures “MEASURE”

     - Janina Monkutė-Marks Museum, Kėdainiai, Lithuania (28.02-18.04)

  • Miniartextile, POP UP

      - Le Beffroi de Montrouge, France (26.02-15.03.2020)

      - Samugheo at the MURATS – Museo Unico Regionale Arte Tessile Sarda (1.08-11.10.2020)

  • 21st International Minitextile exhibition - "MIRACLE", Bratislava, Slovakia (because of Covid-19 - canceled)


  • The 11th International Biennial of Textile Miniatures “MEASURE”

     - Art Gallery "Arka", Vilnius, Lithuania (12.11-4.12)

     - M. K. Čiurlionio Memorialinis Muziejus, Druskininkai, Lithuania ( 11.12.2019 - 4.02.2020)

  • Miniartextile, POP UP

      - ex church of San Francesco Como, Italy (28.09-17.10)     

  • 8th WTA Biennial-Madrid 2019, "The Sustainable City", Centro Art Complutense - C art C, part of the Complutense University of Madrid-UCM, Madrid (17.09-3.10)

  •  II Biennale Tkaniny Artystycznej w Poznaniu, Museum of Applied Arts, Poland (27.08-15.09)

  • "Garden of Eden", Castle Neuhaus, St. Martin im Mühlkreis, Haslach, Austria (7.07-4.08)

  • 9 Land Art Festiwal ,"Garden”, Poland (3-13.07)

  • AMATERAS Annual Paper Art Exhibition 2019, The National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria (2-14.05)

  • 10th International Artistic Linen Cloth Biennial "Z krosna do Krosna",

      - The Museum of Ukrainian Culture in Swidnik, Slovakia (12.02-31.03)

      - The Göcseji Múzeum in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary (7.11.2019-5.01.2020)


  • V International Textile and Fiber Art Symposium, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia (16.11.2018-13.01.2019)

  • 4th edition of the Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art , Contextile 2018, "(In)Organic", Palácio Vila Flor — CCVF, Guimarães, Portugal (1.09-20.10)

  • International exhibition of minitextiles „Treasure Island",

       - Na Kashirke Gallery / of the Moscow City Galleries, Moscow, Russia (30.06-21.07)

       - Tsaritsyno Museum, Moscow, Russia (30.07-30.09)

  • The 12th International Biennial of Textile Art "Scythia", Kherson, Ukraine (29.05-15.06)

  • The 27th International Exhibition of Contemporary Textile Art, Como, Italy

       - Le Beffroi de Montrouge, France (7-25.02)

       - Le Chateau du Valfleury in Gif sur Yvette, France​ (8.03-25.04)​

  • 20th International Minitextile exhibition „CELEBRATION", Bratislava, Slovakia (23.05-10.06)

  • 10th International Artistic Linen Cloth Biennial 2018, Krosno, Poland (18.08-14.09)


  • The Project Exhibition of the Geumgang Nature Art Biennale 2018, South Korea

  • „Poszukiwania i Reinterpretacje", BWA Gallery Piła, Poland

  • International exhibition of minitextiles „Treasure Island", Museum Russian Levsha, St. Petersburg, Russia 

  • The 27th International Exhibition of Contemporary Textile Art, Como, Italy

       - ex church of San Francesco in Como​, Italy  (7.10- 26.11) 

  • Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań, Poland (presentation of a PhD dissertation)

  • The 8th International Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Mini Textile Art Scythia:

       - Kherson, Ukraine (19.06-2.07)

       - Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine (15–30.07)

  • Valcellina Award, 10th edition, International Contemporary Textile Fiber Art Competition, Palazzo d’Attimis - Maniago, Italy

  • 9. Międzynarodowe Biennale Artystycznej Tkaniny Lnianej „Z krosna do Krosna"

       - The Town Concert and Exhibition Hall Zalaegrerszeg, Hungary (24.11.2017-13.01.2018​)


  • 15 Międzynarodowe Triennale Tkaniny, Łódź 2016, Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź, Poland

  • 11. Ogólnopolska Wystawa Miniatury Tkackiej, Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź, Poland

  • Contextile 2016, Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, Palace of Vila Flor, CCVF, Guimarães, Portugal

  • Triennial of Textile, Textile Art of Today,:

        - Tatra Gallery, Poprad, Slovak Republic (02-03.2016)

        - Muzeum Historyczne, Stara Fabryka, Bielsko – Biała, Poland (5 -8.2016 )
        - Rómer Flóris Művészeti és Történeti Muzeum, Györ, Hungary (09-10.2016)

        - Slovácké Muzeum, Uherském Hradišti, Czech Republic (11.2016-01.2017)

  • 9. Międzynarodowe Biennale Artystycznej Tkaniny Lnianej „Z krosna do Krosna", BWA Gallery, Krosno, Poland

  • 2016/2017 - „Pushing the boundaries III", Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade, Serbia


  • 5th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial -Tradition and Innovation, „DIVERSITY&UNITY", Arsenals Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art , Riga, Latvia

  • „w czasie", 12 Kamienica, Bydgoszcz, Poland

  • „in time" - Umelka Gallery, Bratysława, Slovakia

  • „Pokazy Indywidualne", BWA Gallery Piła, Poland

  • IV Triennial of Textile, Textile Art of Today:

       - Slovak National Museum, Bratislava (Bratislava Castle), Slovakia (9-12.2015)

  • „w czasie" –  MBWA Gallery, Leszno, Poland

  • „Around Nature", Zum Pass Gallery, Herzberg, Germany

  • „Microcosmos", CCS Gallery, Suhl, Germany

  • „0,5 sekundy"- BWA Gallery Sandomierz, Poland


  • „Prawdopodobnie Ziemia lubi się kręcić", Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań, Poland

  • VALCELLINA AWARD - Interantional Contemporary Textile/Fiber Art Competition, Palazzo D'Attimis, Maniago, Italy

  • I Międzynarodowe Triennale Rysunku Studentów Wyższych Szkół Artystycznych, Rondo Sztuki Gallery, Katowice, Poland

  • 16th International Mini Textile Exhibition, „Textiles Over Gold", Umelka Gallery, Bratysława, Slovakia

  • 12 edycja Przeglądu Sztuki SURVIVAL, „Miasto – stan zapalny", Wrocław, Poland

  • 10th International Biennal Contemporary Textile Art, Scythia 10, Local Lore Museum, Kherson, Ukraine

  • „Punkt, linia a płaszczyzna", Wieża Ciśnień Gallery, Bydgoszcz, Poland

  • 5th International Triennial of Tapestry - Novi Sad 2014, The Aula of the Master Centre of Novi Sad Fair, Serbia

  • Draw & Go, MONA Gallery, Poznań, Poland


  • „Obszary Rysunku", U Jezuitów Gallery, Poznań, Poland

  • 12 Ogólnopolska Wystawa Tkaniny Unikatowej, Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź Poland

  • 11 Przegląd Sztuki Survival, „Płyniemy!", Wrocław, Poland

  • „Magdalena Kleszyńska - Tkanina Artystyczna", Polish Institute in Bratyslava, Slovakia

  • „Rozpoznawania", Miejsce Sztuki 44 Gallery, Świnoujście, Poland

  • „3x3", BWA Sanocka Gallery, Sanok, Poland


  • V Ogólnopolska Wystawa Rysunku Studenckiego „RYSOWAĆ 2012", Wozownia Gallery, Toruń, Poland

  • 14 Textile Miniature Exhibition „BANALITY AND GRACE", Bratyslava, Slovakia

        - Novohradske Museum, Lucenec, Slovakia

        - Galeria SVU, Bratysława, Slovakia

  • III Triennial of Textile 2012- 2013 Without borders,:

       29.6.-2.9.2012 Trenčianska Galéria M.A.Bazovského, Trenčín, Słowacja - 9.9.-25.10.2012 Dom Umenia,                        Bratisława, Slovakia

       - Liptovská Galéria P.M.Bohúňa, Liptovskom Mikuláši, Slovakia (15.11-20.01.2013)

       - Slovácké Muzeum w Uherske Hradiste, Czech Republic (14.02– 24.03.2013)

       - The Municipal Museum of Art Győr, Hungary (april 2013)

       - Muzeum w Bielsku – Białej, Poland (18.05–18.08.2013)

  • 7th From Lausanne to Beijing Biennial, Nantong, China

  • V Międzynarodowy Konkurs Rysunku - Wrocław 2012, Muzeum Architektury, Wrocław, Poland


  • „Rysunek to…" - BWA Gallery, Leszno, Poland

  • X Salon Wielkopolski 2011, Miejskie Centrum Kultury, Czarnków, Poland

  • „Obszary rysunku. Katowice- Poznań", Rondo Sztuki Gallery, Katowice, Poland



  • 2022 - 12. Baltic Mini Textile Gdynia, Gdynia City Museum, Poland, Prize granted by the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship

  • 2020 - 2-nd International Triennial of mini-textile “Treasure Island. City", St. Petersburg, Russia, category: 3D objects / 3rd Place

  • 2019 - II Biennale Tkaniny Artystycznej w Poznaniu, Museum of Applied Arts, Poland - Jury mention / Honorable mention (award)

  • 2017 - International exhibition of mini-textiles „Treasure Island", Saint Petersburg, Russia (The International Masters Gildii Awards)

  • ​2017 - Valcellina Award, 10th edition, International Contemporary Textile Fiber Art Competition, Italy - Honorable Mention

  • 2014 - 16th International Mini Textile Exhibition Textiles Over Gold, Bratislava, Slovakia - Jury Award

  • 2014 - 10th International Biennial on Contemporary Textile Art “Scythia 10”, Kherson, Ukraine – Bronze medal – III award

  • 2013 – Nomination - 12th National Exhibition of Tapestry, Łódź 2013, Poland

  • 2012/2013 – III Triennial of Textile 2012- 2013 Without borders, Award of Polish Institute for the most inspiring artwork by Polish artist 


  • Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź, Poland

  • Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Riga, Latvia

  • Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia

  • Private (Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Shanghai)



  • 2023 - Zeszyty Artystyczne, "TEXTILE ART. In the face of contemporary times." (Editor of the issue)

  • 2023 - Visual arts funded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Promotion of Culture Fund / Foundation Nowa University of the Arts in Poznań - international exhibition "Wireless", Poland 

  • 2022 - Open lecture - Universidade de Évora / School of Fine Arts / Department of Visual Arts and Design, Evora, Portugal

  • 2021 - Textile TALKS / Conference, "FUTURE OF FREEDOM", chairwoman: Magdalena Kleszyńska, Poznań, Poland / as part of the III ed. Textile Art Biennial in Poznań, Poland

  • 2020 - TEXTILE TALKS - conference "Textile Territories as Places of Memory", Auditório Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães, Portugal (6-7.09)

  • 2019 - scholarship Erasmus Plus

  • ARTIST MAGAZINE Monthly No.524, Taiwan

  • Member of The European Textile Network (ETN)

  • 2018 - STEP travel grant by the European Cultural Foundation with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.

  • 2018 - TEXTILE TALKS - conference "(In)organic", Black Box CIAJG  – Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães, Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade (PAC), Guimarães, Portugal (2-3.09)

  • 2018 - "Polish culture worldwide"- one-time funding (grant) from The Adam Mickiewicz Institutes (group exhibition, textile talk Guimarães, Portugal

  • 2015 - presentation as part of the Museum Night, MBWA Gallery Leszno, Poland

  • 2015 - "Polish culture worldwide"- one-time funding (grant) from The Adam Mickiewicz Institutes (solo exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • 2015 - "Polish culture worldwide"- one-time funding (grant) from The Adam Mickiewicz Institutes (group exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia)

  • 2013 - Magazine about art „Arteon" Art No. 10 (162) (Young Art)



  • 14th Textile Miniature Exhibition "BANALITY AND GRACE", catalog released by Slovenske zdruzenie textilnych vytvarnikov TXT

  • Publication of the project in the catalog - Geumgang Nature Art Pre-Biennale 2017,„Shelter in the forest", ISBN 978-89-93531-25-1

  • III Triennial of Textile 2012- 2013 Without borders, catalog released by Klub textilnych vytvarnikov Arttex

  • 7th From Lausanne to Beijing Biennial, Nantong, Chiny, ISBN 978-7-112-14746-5

  • 12. Ogólnopolska Wystawa Tkaniny Unikatowej, Łódź 2013, Poland, ISBN 978-83-60146-41-5

  • 11. Przegląd Sztuki Survival, Wrocław, Poland, catalog released by Art.Transparent, ISBN 978-83-926272-7-2

  • „Prawdopodobnie Ziemia lubi się kręcić", Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań, Poland, catalog released by Galeria Miejska Arsenał, ISBN 978-83-61886-53-2

  • VALCELLINA AWARD - Interantional Contemporary Textile/Fiber Art Competition, Maniago, Italy, catalog released by Le Arti Tessili 

  • 16th International Mini Textile Exhibition, "Textiles Over Gold", Galeria Umelka, Bratyslava, Slovakia, catalog released by Slovenske zdruzenie textilnych vytvarnikov TXT

  • 2. edycja Przeglądu Sztuki SURVIVAL, "Miasto – stan zapalny", Wrocław, Poland, catalog released by Art Transparent, Fundacja Sztuki Współczesnej

  • 5th International Triennial of Tapestry - Novi Sad 2014, Serbia, catalog released by Atelje 61, ńovi sad, ISBN 978-86-85255-06-9

  • 5th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial -''Tradition and Innovation'', DIVERSITY&UNITY,  Latvijas, ISBN 978-9934-8474-8-6

  • IV. Triennial of Textile, Textile Art of Today, catalog released by Trienale textilu bez hranic, ISBN 978-80-972038-4-9

  • 15. Międzynarodowe Triennale Tkaniny, Łódź 2016,  Poland, ISBN 978-83-60146-58-3

  • Contextile 2016, Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, Guimarães, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-96552-4-9

  • 9. Międzynarodowe Biennale Artystycznej Tkaniny Lnianej "Z krosna do Krosna” 2016, Krosno, Polska, catalog released by Muzeum Rzemiosła w Krośnie, ISBN 978-83-89921-28-4

  • “Pushing the boundaries III", Museum of Applied Art, Belgrade, Serbia, catalog released by The Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia, ISBN 978-86-87017-40-5

  • 20th International Minitextile exhibition „CELEBRATION", Bratislava, Slovakia, catalog released by Slovak Textile Artists Association TXT

  • The 27th International Exhibition of Contemporary Textile Art, catalog released by Arte&Arte association

  • Contextile 2018,"(In)Organic",  4th edition of the Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art, catalog released by Ideias Emergentes, Producao Cultural, CRL, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-96552-5-6

  • International exhibition of minitextiles „Treasure Island", catalog released by St. Petersburg Textile Artists' Guild and Creative Professionals' Union - International Guil of Masters.

  • 10th International Artistic Linen Cloth Biennial 2018, catalog released by Muzeum Rzemiosła w Krośnie, ISBN  978-83-89921-32-1

  • „Poszukiwania i Reinterpretacje", BWA Gallery Piła, Poland, catalog released byBiuro Wystaw Artystycznych i Usług plastycznych, Piła, ISBN 978-83-62088-86-7

  • V International Textile and Fiber Art Symposium, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia, catalog released by Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, ISBN 978-9934-535-82-6

  • "Garden of Eden", Castle Neuhaus, St. Martin im Mühlkreis, Haslach, Austria, catalog released by Textile Kultur Haslach, 2019, ISBN 978-3-9502564-7-5

  • II Biennale Tkaniny Artystycznej w Poznaniu, Museum of Applied Arts, Poland, ISBN 978-83-955422-0-6

  • 8th WTA Biennial-Madrid 2019, "The Sustainable City", catalog released by World Textile Art Organization, Madrid 2019

  • CONTEXTILE 2020, 5th edition of Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, "Places of Memory", Guimaraes, Portugal, catalog released by Ideias Emergentes Producao Cultural, CRL, ISBN 978-989-96552-5-6

  • MINIARTEXTIL , 29 Mostra Internazionale Di Arte Contemporanea,  POP UP, catalog released by Arte&Arte, 2019

  • Premio Valcellina Award 11 ed.WE(H)AVE International Contemporary Textile Fiber Art Competition, catalog released by Le Arti Tessili APS, 2021 

  • “Scythia 14” 14-th international biennial of contemporary textile art, Ukraina

  • YOUNG FIBER CONTEST 5 &CHIAMATA APERTA 3, Tramanda, Italy, catalog released by Citta de Chieri

  • 12. Baltic Mini Textile Gdynia, Gdynia City Museum, Poland catalog released by Muzeum Miasta Gdyni 2022, ISBN 978-83-956152-6-9, Gdynia 2022

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